‘Pip & Tibbit’

I was snooping around my old files lately and stumbled upon a children’s story I wrote many, many years ago. I never bothered trying to get it published as so many people told me one or more of the following:  a) That I was wrong for the industry b) That children wouldn’t understand it c) That it wasn’t that good. So, I’ve decided to pawn it off on you, my blog readers. Ba ha ha ha ha! Because, hey, it’s free and you can stop reading it if you don’t like! So, without further ado,

Pip and Tibbit’s, The Mysterious Case of the Exquisite and Slight Missing Slippers

(Page 1)

Pip is a fine and gentle chipmunk of a lad.

The very best of chippies he thinks his mother could have had.

He dresses very smartly, donning a dark red cotton cap

And a leather shoulder bag for his ancient grand World Map.

On his dress, he wears a navy vest and soft tweed ivory slacks.

Good manners, he insists, a gentleman never lacks.

An agreeable chap of sorts, a highly loyal friend,

The sort of fellow, in your time of need, on whom you can depend.

The most cordial fellow, you’ll agree, that you’ve ever met!

And whatever that you ask for, you’d be sure that he would get.

(Page 2)

Tibbit is certainly a toad of polished class.

Always quick to tip his hat towards the ladies he would pass.

A refined good gentleman that Tibbit truly is,

And when you stop to tell him so, he’d surely just dismiss.

The most devoted of good blokes he is to worthy Pip.

When they sit down for their tea, he would dare not take a sip,

Unless his oldest and best friend has all that he could ask!

“Some sugar and some cream?” And Tibbit’s nimble to the task.

(Page 3)

Pip and Tibbit often walk Mister Healy’s garden perimeter

And discuss how dear Delia and Grace make their hearts go a’flutter.

But they also talk of other things, like centipedes and weasels,

And how esteemed Persephone acquired the beastly measles.

(Page 4)

Pip and Tibbit are altogether quite the dashing sleuths!

They claim it is a feeling they would get inside their tooths’,

But their mothers always knew it was an animal’s intuition

That the answer they’d be looking for would come in to fruition!

(Page 5)

So, of course, it’s not surprising that right after Tuesday’s lunch

Henry Butterflew came ‘round looking for their hunch.

“I cannot find my slippers! The pair that make me feel so dashing!

And the one’s, that if I lost, my mother warned me with a lashing!”

Pip and Tibbit ready to chime in with very sound advice.

But first offer up their services for a simply prudent price.

They agree on two ripe cranberries and all appeased with the transaction

Pip and Tibbit move on to questioning with utter satisfaction.

(Page 6)

“First describe to me the color of those shoes upon your feet.”

“They are gold with a red ribbon the same color of that beet!”

Henry pointed at the garden toward the beets in the vegetable patch.

“I knew they were too handsome! Someone’s taken them with a snatch!”

Pip continued on by saying, “Before we start to blame,

Are there any other features that could point us toward our aim?”

(Page 7)

Little Henry shyly made clear that his shoes had toes that curled

And that the ribbon, when the wind blew, would dance and swoosh and whirl.

Tibbit asked tiny Henry “Where were you with the shoes with curly toes?”

“I was drinking from my proboscis fine nectar from Healy’s prize rose.”

So they ventured toward the roses and Pip noticed something odd.

Tibbit noticed something too and gave the other a brief nod.

“There are footprints scurrying from the place that first you took your drink

And I dare say, my dear Tibbit that we may be on the brink.”

(Page 8 )

So they followed those light footsteps towards the field behind the shed

And continued to the Chestnut House where there lived a mouse named Fred.

“My dear Fred!” cried out Tibbit, “Are you at your home today?”

“Yes! I am! Please Come in! Come in, Tibbit, I dare say!”

“We’re inquiring on some slippers Henry lost in Healy’s garden.

Were you fortunate to have seen them?” Fred said, “Oh! I beg your pardon?

I recall my sister Ruthy with a pair she placed upon her doll

As she quickly ran right past me down our poky little hall.

She’s gone just down the lane to visit her gracious chipmunk friend.”

Pip said, “That is my dear Delia! She lives just around the bend!”

(Page 9)

They gathered up their party and with light but lively feet

All, including Fred, started wading through the wheat.

The lane never seemed so far before. The straw had grown above their caps.

So Henry flew above the grass to guide them through the gaps.

And after a short while, they reached Gooseberry Lane

And noticed their dusty path began to mud with misty rain.

But this did not discourage them! The sun shone brightly over Delia’s den!

And happy Pip felt his heart race as he would see his fair again!

(Page 10)

All excited with their purpose hastened on to Delia’s nest.

Delia arose as she heard the clamor and gazed out toward the west.

Pip cried out! “Dear sweet Delia! Is Ruthy here with you?”

“Yes she is”, sung out Delia, “and Grace is with her too!

Ruthy seeks the owner of a pair of slippers she just so happened upon

and is drawing a few posters to hang when the owner notices them gone. ”

(Page 11)

Hearing the commotion Ruthy peered out through the window

only to discover her brother Fred with all his friends in tow.

Quite surprised Ruthy said, “To what do we owe the pleasure?”

Pip questioned little Ruthy, “We’ve heard you’ve found a treasure?”

“Why yes of course curious Pip! Grace and I were looking for the insect

that belonged to these sweet slippers, so tiny and so perfect.”

(Page 12)

A teary Henry with heart filled to the brim shouted with utter glee,

“You may quit your posters Ruthy. Those light slippers belong to me!”

Ruthy called out, ” Henry! Are they yours? I am pleased and so relieved.

I found them without their owner buried deep within some leaves.”

“I misplaced them”, said cheery Henry, “and I am glad that you were there!

I can tell that they were handled with devoted and great care.”

(Page 13)

“A celebration is in order!” said Delia, “We shall serve a garden feast!”

Grace said, “Oh! That is just the ticket! To say the very least!”

They gathered ’round the garden and with enlivened tongues and hearts

Held a witty and merry visit while they ate their cherry tarts.

And little did they know, that as they spoke their friendships deepened

And created an enduring bond that would not at any time be cheapened.

Unaware, the sweet company had learned several lessons this day.

To truly feel achieved, taking care of others is the only way

And an altruistic heart, even at this tender year,

Will design a kindly older soul and keep their friendships near.

But all this shall not be revealed as youth will not allow

And suitably, they will play and tease and jest for now.

And in this very minute, Pip and Tibbit felt proud and bold and gallant

And satisfied that another case was solved toward their improving talent.

Copyright 2011, Fisher Amelie

You have hereby been subjected to my attempt at children’s literature. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing it. I suppose I will keep it to this limited group and not torture children with it, as I suspect they will run away with their hands over their ears. Poor chickadees. Oh, well.

Now, who’s up for reading my young adult novel. Ba ha ha!




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