Courtney Cole stops by!

One of my besties’ Courtney Cole has finally released her incredible novel If You Stay! I’m 75% of the way through it and if I didn’t have a newborn, I’d have devoured it in one sitting! It’s a grab-the-edge-of-your-seat page turner and I’m so happy and honored to have her on my blog today. So, without further ado, a guest post from the fabulous Courtney Cole!!


Stay tuned at the end of the post for a chance to win one of five signed copies of If You Stay!

If You Stay by Courtney Cole

24-year old Pax Tate is an asshole.


He’s a tattooed, rock-hard bad-boy with a bad attitude to match.

But he’s got his reasons.

His mother died when Pax was seven, leaving a hole in his heart filled with guilt although he doesn’t understand why. What he does know is that he and his dad are left alone and with more issues than they can count.

As Pax grew up, he tried to be the kid his father always wanted; the perfect golden boy, but it didn’t work. His dad couldn’t overcome his grief long enough to notice and Pax couldn’t keep up the impossible perfect façade.

So he slipped far, far from it.

Now, he uses drugs and women to cope with the ugliness, the black void that he doesn’t want to deal with. If he pretends that the emptiness isn’t there, then it isn’t, right?


And it’s never more apparent than when he meets Mila.

Sweet, beautiful Mila Hill is the fresh air to his hardened frown, the beauty to his ugly heart. He doesn’t know how to not hurt her, but he quickly realizes that he’s got to figure it out because he needs her to breathe.

When memories of his mother’s death resurface from where he’s repressed them for so long, Mila is there to catch him when the guilt starts making sense. Mila is the one…the one who can save him from his broken troubled heart; from his issues, from the emptiness.

But only if he can stop being an asshole long enough to allow it.

He knows that. And he’s working on it.

But is that enough to make her stay?

**Warning -Contains sex and violence**

Author Bio:

Courtney Cole is a novelist who would eat mythology for breakfast if she could. She has a degree in Business, but has since discovered that corporate America is not nearly as fun to live in as fictional worlds. She loves chocolate and roller coasters and hates waiting and rude people.

Courtney lives in quiet suburbia, close to Lake Michigan, with her real-life Prince Charming, her ornery kids (there is a small chance that they get their orneriness from their mother) and a small domestic zoo.

Enter to win 1 of  5 copies of If You Stay!

A Rafflecopter giveaway!

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Author Goodreads:



12 thoughts on “Courtney Cole stops by!

  1. This was an amazing book and I would love to win a signed copy. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. I have the perfect place in my book case for it. ; )

  2. I want to read this for two reasons… One, if you recommend it, I am sure I will like it. It just has to be good, right? Two, I live the synopsis. He is called an asshole in the synopsis… Love it. Ha!

  3. I am looking for ANOTHER great book to read. If you are saying this is a great book, I’m all in!

  4. I’m actually currently reading this book. The kindle version. And I’m LOVING IT!!! So I would really love the signed copy! I’ve been waiting for this book for forever! <3

  5. I wanna read this so bad! I want to read because I read a sample and it just hooked me!

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