M. Leighton’s Blood Like Poison: For the Love of a Vampire

First, let me say, thank goodness there’s a sequel because I practically fell flat on my face at the ending. That’s about as far as I’ll go with ‘spoilers’.

I’ve read all M. Leighton’s titles in the order they were written and I’m not sure how she does it but they continually increase in their ability to captivate and entrance me. This book left permanent goosebumps up my arms and legs as there never seemed to be a dull moment.

Now, for the nitty and the gritty:

Miss Leighton seems to have a gift for all things writing. Though mentioned in so many reviews before mine, I would be remiss if I failed to mention her talent specifically for foreshadowing but especially for character development.

In a world of young adult novels, where it is fashionable and not the slightest bit disconcerting to write characters with seemingly no depth, Leighton surprises us all in creating characters that possess real thoughts (gasp!) and who possess the ability to think past their hormones.

Bo and Ridley are so incredibly endearing, both silently tossed and battered about inside their harrowing lives, neither having much say over their histories but together forging a fate that seems impossible yet heart-wrenchingly hopeful, leaving us as the reader wondering if the heart is truly strong enough to endure whatever life will throw at them at its unforgiving speeds. To which, I say, oh please let their fervent love conquer all.

If you enjoy well thought out, soul-clenching characters that leave your heart bursting at their seams, then by all means buy Blood Like Poison today….like now.


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