Mia’s Heart by Courtney Cole

A few months ago I read Dante’s Girl by Courtney Cole because she’s one of my favorite authors as well as one of my favorite people but that’s not why I loved the book. I loved it’s perfectly sweet, lovely premise. It left me giddy and happy and “squee”ly all at once (Is that a word? It should be.)

And now I get to feature the second story in the series and I’ll tell you, folks, I’m really, really, REALLY looking forward to this story!!! I can tell the plot will be taking a turn I can’t imagine. In other words, it’s skipping to the top of the queue.

So, without further ado!

Mia’s Heart by Courtney Cole

My name is Mia Giannis.

I am seventeen years old.

I live in Valese, Caberra.

This has become my mantra and my lifeline, having recently lost my memory due to a scary natural disaster.

Yeah.  I have amnesia.  Messed up, right?

You don’t know the half of it.

Not remembering anything has turned my world upside down. My parents try their hardest to “remind” me of who I was, but it doesn’t feel right. Or, if what they’re saying is true and that really was me, I’m not sure I like that person very much.

And then there’s my love life.  Apparently, Gavin Ariastasis is my oldest and best friend in the world. Also, apparently, we’ve never dated.  But now, noticing him for what feels like the first time, he’s making my heart do somersaults.  He knows me inside and out—the real me.  Plus, he’s sexy and charming as hell.  Sounds perfect, right?

But then… there’s the new guy. Quinn McKeyen – tall, gorgeous and deliciously American.  His mischievous grin and slow Midwestern drawl turn my insides to mush in two seconds flat making me question who I really am and what I really want.

Seriously. What am I supposed to do with all that?!  I feel torn between them, but I barely even know who I am, let alone what I want.

I just hope my indecisive heart will clue me in.  And sooner rather than later…before I lose what little of my mind that I have left.


Get Mia’s Heart now on Amazon!

Get Mia’s Heart now on Barnes & Noble!


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