Courtney Cole’s ‘Every Last Kiss’


I’m not a massive historical romance fan, so it goes without saying that I don’t read them that often, but every now and then I stumble upon one that captures my attention and this novel in particular did exactly that for me. The reviews for Every Last Kiss influenced me enough to pick it up and I must confess, if all historical romances are this interesting, I have no idea how much I’ve apparently been missing out!

The plot was so inventive, so interesting, it kept my eyes glued to my Kindle and I found myself growing incredibly impressed with the author and her obvious knowledge of Egyptian history, a subject, I must admit, never really grabbed my interest until, well, now. Her descriptions were more than visionary and I imagined myself throughout the entire novel in her scenes, smelling the scents, tasting their foods, and feeling their atmosphere. She describes things with such heady emotion you truly feel as if you’re there.

Yet, as entertaining as the plot was, as fascinating as the story progressed, I cannot express to you how especially lovely I found the bond between Charmian and Hasani. Their devotion to the other and their obvious passion was enchanting and overwhelmingly sweet. One of the last scenes experienced between them made me cry such bittersweet tears. There is no doubt that miss Cole has a talent for using words that strangle the heart and clench at the chest, which is right up my writing style alley.

Courtney Cole is an immensely talented author and I, at this very moment, am headed over to her author’s page to purchase her recent release ‘Princess’. I won’t even bother to read the other reviews. I might not even read her synopsis. Why? Because I can say, with true confidence, that after finishing Every Last Kiss, I will adore it as Courtney Cole knows how to write good stories…amazingly brilliant love stories that speak to the heart…exactly the kind I love to read.


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