M. Leighton’s ‘Blood Like Poison: Destined For A Vampire’

M. Leighton did not disappoint in this thrilling non-stop sequel to Blood Like Poison: For The Love Of A Vampire! From page one, there were twists and turns that kept me guessing with edge-of-your-seat ‘What could she possibly do now?’ chills.

Ridley is a little bit lonely this book with a yearning for Bo that can seemingly never be quenched and my heart broke for her a little bit but that doesn’t mean the reader doesn’t get their much needed and incredibly anticipated Bo and Ridley time which, let’s face it, makes the old ticker race in such pleasant ways as this author is a pro at writing their affectionate scenes. i.e., The scene in Ridley’s room, where I was fanning my face to quell the apparent fever I was abruptly running. I love the dynamic between these two characters as so much has been built between these two you’re left wondering how Leighton will let it all tumble down and are hoping she gives them what they’re fated to have.

Just as I expected, the ending leaves a lot of unanswered questions but fear not, because the third book in the series will be out in the winter of 2011. I just hate that I have to wait, as will you. I give this sequel two thumbs up….just have to remember to keep those thumbs out of Bo’s mouth. Wicked fangs are alluring little things though, aren’t they? Especially if they belong to Bo.

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