Courtney Cole’s ‘Princess’

Princess was a purchase bought ‘sight unseen’ so to speak, didn’t read a synopsis or even a review because I’m familiar with the author’s work enough to feel confident in what I was buying and boy, oh boy, did I end up loving this book. It was nothing like I expected it to be, the cover revealing only a sliver of who the main character, Sydney, truly is.

The novel’s bold subjects left me reeling with every page I turned. Cole’s gutsy directions made this one of the best reads I’ve had all year. Her characters are well thought out and contain true depth, something that’s void in a lot of young adult novels nowadays.

Sydney’s seemingly picture perfect life comes to an unexpected halt as constant tumultuous life-altering and sometimes life-shattering experiences bombard her at an exponential rate. The reader is left heartbroken, desperate and sad for the character as her life unfolds and unravels.

But Sydney finds herself amongst the tragedies uncoiling around her, finds hope in the people she loves, finds truth in those who genuinely love her and we are left with a stronger, more hopeful, and even more incredible Sydney then we started out with.

Sydney is one of my favorite heroines I’ve read all year. She is strong enough to stand alone but chooses stand side by side with one of my favorite heroes I’ve read all year as well. I highly recommend this read. Of course, as Cole mentions, it is recommended for older teens and younger women but the lessons learned in this harrowing yet hopeful tale are lessons worth learning. Five stars truly earned.

Congrats miss Cole, I’m very impressed.

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One thought on “Courtney Cole’s ‘Princess’

  1. I just saw this! The last I knew, you were just getting your site up and running. Thank you!! You are the sweetest little thing EVER! :)

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