M. Leighton’s ‘Madly and Wolfhardt’

Before I give you M. Leighton’s description of her new novel. Behold! This is the cover and I cannot believe how green I am with envy! So beautiful! Alright, go on then.

(Author’s description)

Madly is your average nearly-eighteen year old girl—for a mermaid princess, that is.

Madly James is thoroughly enjoying her internship in Slumber when the unthinkable happens—there’s a prison break in Atlas, Madly’s home beneath the sea.   A traitor has set free eight Lore, the spirits of what humans know as fairy tales, and they are making their way to Slumber to awaken their descendants.


The first spirit to arrive is that of Ulrich Wolfhardt, a man that was once obsessed with wolves and a young maiden he would follow through the woods.  After a bite from a wolf, Wolfhardt’s obsession with the girl became an unnatural hunger and the young maiden’s grandmother cursed him with a fate worse than death.  And now he’s back…with a vengeance and a bite that can infect others as well.


Madly must learn the identity of Wolfhardt’s descendant and stop him before he kills again and spreads his curse across the earth.  But the only person strong enough to help Madly is Jackson, the Sentinel who vowed to protect her and the one person capable of breaking her heart.  Can Madly resist forbidden love long enough to save the world from Wolfhardt?  Or will she have to sacrifice her heart and her destiny to save the ones she loves?

Fisher’s Review of Madly and Wolfhardt

I happened to read the novella before I got to read the complete novel and was stuck with having to wait for the glorious results for a few weeks. It was the longest weeks of my life! Okay, okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic. Hey, it’s in my nature but I do admit I had been waiting for the release more than any other book this year. Why, you ask? Well, because  I love different and Madly and Wolfhardt is unparalleled. Unparallelled, and not to mention, a breathtakingly beautiful story with equally stunning characters.

Mermaids and werewolves and creatures of Lore, oh my! So, I know what you’re thinking, mermaids and werewolves seem an unlikely combination but now it seems like the most natural blend in the world, despite the fact that it’s fiction, because Leighton’s writing is flawless, smooth, and goes down like nectar from the gods. Tasted just as good, too, because the plot was so fascinating I felt hungry for more when I turned the last page. The author took it directions I never imagined and surprised me at every turn. The pacing was so superb, I was never left wanting to get to the next page, like some Indie’s make me do. (Leighton never does this, by the way, in any of her books.) So, I think it goes without saying that I read the entire thing in one sitting. Laundry, be darned.

And now, drum roll please. My favorite part. Jackson. Oh, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. At first glance, you think broody, broody and temperamental but as his character progresses his depth is revealed, exposing a selfless warrior and bonafide hunk. His silent mantra reads, ‘For Madly. Always for Madly.’ And silent, he is. He’s self-sacrificing and in agony but his job is to protect Madly so he steals himself, for her. By the end of the novel, your heart is aching for him which makes me want him for my own. I’d like to gather him up and place him in my pocket for later he’s so amazing.

So, with that, I will walk away from this review with Jackson in my pocket because apparently I’m a thief and a warm heart because apparently I’m a sucker for a dynamic love story.

Buy M. Leighton’s book at Amazon

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Stay tuned Thursday for my Author Interview where M. Leighton answers questions like, If we were at a local watering hole and decided to play a game of darts and things got a little out of hand when we accidentally impaled the three hundred pound biker in the derriere sitting in the stool in front of us, what would we do or say to get away? Would tears be involved? (FYI, I’m a master at the waterworks) So, you don’t want to miss it because the obvious shenanigans ensue. Shenanigans are our favorite thing for M and I to do. You’ll want to come back, I swear.

p.s. Did you know that M and I are notorious surfer chicks and were labeled with the nefarious nicknames of  PB & J?

See ya Thursday, ya’ dirty punks!

One thought on “M. Leighton’s ‘Madly and Wolfhardt’

  1. I am so humbled by your review, Fisher. It pleases me to know that someone as talented as you would find my work entertaining. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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