Soul Bound!!!

I’m taking the liberty of  blogging about this book, hope that’s okay, Miss Cole, because of THE FREAKING COVER!!!!! Ugh! I can’t tell you how much I love this cover.

For those of you unfamiliar with Soul Bound…Wait, that probably means you’re unfamiliar with the Moonstone Saga which probably means you’re unfamiliar with The Bloodstone Sage which means you’re missing out on some hella’, hella’, hella’ good books. I’ll post links to the author’s pages down below. Anyway, Soul Bound. *Sigh* I bought this the SECOND Courtney Cole mentioned its release.

Did I mention that I love Courtney Cole’s books. Because I do. A lot. She’s one of my favorite Indie authors next to Amanda Hocking, M. Leighton, Abbi Glines, Tammara Webber and Tess Oliver.

Needless to say, buy this book.

The gods are playing games again and this time it’s going to get ugly.

Empusa is the daughter of the goddess of witchcraft and the moon. As a child of the moon, she has all of the ethereal lunar powers that come with it. She is beautiful, vulnerable and strong. But since she is cursed by her father to drink souls and mortal blood, her powers will come back to haunt her…

Brennan is the son of Apollo, the god of the sun. As a child of the sun, he is handsome, golden, brave and strong. He’s just learning to harness his own immortal powers, only there isn’t much time…

In this second book of the Moonstone Saga, there’s an ugly, twisted storm brewing on Olympus and Brennan and Em are in the center of it. Their powers are conflicting, polar opposites. If they can’t learn to handle their abilities without killing each other, they will kill everyone in the mortal world, as well. Time is ticking and the gods are watching. Who will rise, who will fall and who will be left standing?

Huh? Huh? Right? Exactly!!!!

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