Welcome K.C. Blake

K.C. Blake’s newest title Witch Hunt is out and available at Amazon so I decided to have Miss Blake guest post on my blog today to help promote the second book in her Witch-Game series.

A magical game of Hide n Seek begins.
Find the missing player and win.
The game resets, everyone forgets, and they start to play again.

Starr Hughes hasn’t believed in magic since her mother died. As a reporter for the school paper she’s only interested in cold, hard facts. When she hears rumors that the mysterious It-Squad members are about to play a secret game, she is determined to learn all about it, especially since she’s been in love with one of the members half her life. Hiding under the headmaster’s desk, planting bugs, and breaking into a fellow student’s locker are all on her to-do list.

Starr is about to discover that witches not only exist, but they need her help. Someone is using the game to steal their memories, their powers, and maybe even their lives.

Ooooh, sounds intriguing! I like that each book can stand alone! Okay, so without further ado, take it away K.C.!

What I Miss Most About Traditional Publishers

They say writing is hard and yes, it is.  However, I think marketing is the worst.  It haunts me at night, chasing me through dreams.  Even though I am thrilled to be an independent author, there are things that I miss about having a traditional publisher.

1.) A Marketing Team:  They already know what they’re doing, so it’s easy for them.  I am still feeling my way around.  Of course, most publishers spend their marketing budget on big names and you still have to do a lot of the marketing yourself.  But at least they point you in the right direction.  Harlequin is such a big name that I didn’t have to do anything and sold close to a hundred thousand books.  I guess I’m a bit spoiled now.

2.) Cover Designers:  While I think I’ve done okay with my covers, I still miss having a designing team doing them for me.  They have the models and can afford to do creative and exciting covers.  I, on the other hand, have to buy pictures from photo stock companies.  It makes my options limited.

3.) Editors:  I think I miss my editors the most.  They told me what was wrong.  I didn’t have to guess.  Now I have to rely on Beta Readers and family friends.

4.) The Contact:  Sometimes I simply miss having someone out there who cares about my books as much as I do.

What made me think of writing this post today?  Well, I woke up this morning and collected my email only to find that Harlequin has re-released one of my books.  Borrowed Identity is available as an ebook now.  At first I was not happy, but then I started thinking about the royalties.  Maybe I will be able to afford to pay for some advertising now and get the word out about Witch Hunt.

Witch Hunt is the second in my Witch-Game series.  Crushed was the first.  But you don’t have to read them in order.  Each book has a different set of characters and a new game to play.  Hope you enjoy discovering these teen witches as they use their powers to play dangerous games and fall in love with the wrong people.

Get Witch Hunt now at Amazon!

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Thanks for stopping by K.C.!!!

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