This YA Indie Carnival week’s topic is ‘Why the genre we write?’
Okay, I only have one published book and it happens to be a Supernatural Romance but I’m currently writing a novel that has no paranormal elements. So, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I don’t write an especially specific genre but I will allow myself to be pigeonholed one particular way. I wear the label, ‘romance writer’. Oh! How I love to write about love!
So, why do I write about love?
Because it is why I live. I live to love my God, my family, my friends. There is not a more satisfying, more fulfilling, more sensation driven happiness better than love. And that’s exactly what love is. A sensation driven happiness.
When you’re first getting to know someone there are first jokes, first car drives, first movies, first songs, first kisses, which are all phenomenal, by the way, but with love, you get third, fourths, fifths and infinities. It’s the promise of infinity that is so beautiful to me. It’s a concept, I think, may be lost within today’s youth. I don’t think couples stick it out long enough to find out what longevity can bring them. Deeper love, deeper respect, deeper connections. You get to know one another so well you can read the other’s thoughts and feelings without them being voiced. This is love to me. Connection is love to me.
That’s why I try to write the love between my characters with a deeper connection. Nothing is superficial about them, and although, they are flawed, they still hold themselves to higher standards and strive to meet them. Elliott would do anything for Julia and I mean anything. There’s a conversation between the two of them in The Understorey where Julia tells Elliott that she can see that he would die for her and Elliott whispers in reply, “I would kill tigers for you, Jules. Of course, I would die for you.” Theirs is a selfless love which is the only way to love, in my opinion. When a love is so profound you wouldn’t hesitate laying down your life for that person, that is genuine love in the most true sense.
I also try to convey to my readers, especially my female readers, that when someone is honestly interested in you they would do anything to keep you safe, body and soul. I love it when my female leads get into some sort of predicament and the boys come to their rescue. I mean, I know it’s an antiquated concept so just go ahead and call me old-fashioned. Now, with that being said, I do want to point out that my female characters aren’t pansies, either. They fight back, they’re strong and intelligent and each possess gumption, a trait, I think, every girl should acquire.
It’s important to me that my readers recognize that my female leads know their own value. I can’t tell you how many girls I’ve met where I walked away from the conversation thinking, ‘they don’t know they’re worth jumping out of planes for’. It’s just another reason why I write romances. I write how romance should be and what the youth should expect from each other. I write for entertainment, of course, because love is just a blast but I also write so my readers know that it’s okay to demand only the best because that’s what we all deserve, the best.
This envelopment with Jules smothered all lingering agony from the wanting that had these past few weeks sat so stagnant in my heart. It was as if I had been wandering through the Sahara, with a canteen brimming with water and only allowed myself to drink one tablespoon a day, though my body suffered for gallons.
HelloGoodbye ‘When We First Met’
Fellow members of ‘The Lovely Hearts Club’:
I love that you love to write about loooooo-oooove. It’s that thing that makes the world go ’round
And I was seriously just thinking about the other day…I love how empowered girls are in today’s YA literature, but I’m missing the rescue by the boy who’s head-over-heels for her….she doesn’t have the rescue herself…and him EVERY TIME. lol
Great post Fisher!
Great post Fisher!
I agree totally with you on this week’s post, I’m such a hopeless romantic myself… I think your expressed your point perfectly and if I were writing this post I would only add one more type of love, the love of oneself. I think you started to hint at this with your, ‘they don’t know they’re worth jumping out of planes for’ phrase.
If kids today loved themselves more, especially females, they would not abuse themselves with drugs and other harmful substances and they most certainly not allow others to abuse and take advantage of them.
It is sad how teens today are really missing the concept of true love, but maybe our stories can help shed some light on the subject…
Looking forward to your next post!
Love is the key to life for me as well. I have been married almost twenty years, and I have never been happier. I think one of the hardest parts to today’s social networking is that we never connect deeply enough to become close friends. Thanks for the ideas.
Fisher, All we need is love…nice post. It’s true there are all sorts of love that will cause one to die for the other. Passionate love, love of country. It’s this raw passion that’s at the heart of a good story, and really defines us:) I love Eliott and Jules…50% so far….[of course, I’m sorta partial to the name Elliott : oh, yeah…and I have a new blog now! ~:)
“I’d kill tigers for you” — *swoon* Must buy this book!
I agree 100% on the love theme (hence the title of my blog: Love Stories). I may end up writing a variety of genres, but love will always play a major role. Sadly, many romance novels are not really romantic. I find better *love* stories in YA for some reason, so that’s where I’m at. So glad you are, too!
There is nothing else to live for if not for love. Great post! Thanks.