PB’s interview with J…Thank you Costa Rica, enjoy the tacos.

Liked that blog title? Want to know what it means? Well, ya can’t! Why? Because I’m one of those meanies who creates inside jokes with my fellow authors and then purposely doesn’t fill others in. Eeee-vaaailll! 

Alright, fine. If you want to know what it means become fans of M and I on Twitter and read some of our kooky conversations. It’s probably not worth it, though, so I wouldn’t. There’s nothing sneaky or nefarious about our back-and-forth’s, so stay away. Don’t go near our Twitter accounts. Wait, it’s really not worth it, trust me.

About M

M. Leighton is a native of Ohio, but she relocated to the warmer climates of the South, where she can be near the water all summer and miss the snow all winter. Possessed of an overactive imagination from early in her childhood, Michelle finally found an acceptable outlet for her fantastical visions: writing fiction. Six of Michelle’s novels can now be found on Amazon, as well as several other sites. She’s currently working on sequels, though her mind continues to churn out new ideas, exciting plots and quirky characters. Pick one up and enjoy a wild ride through the twists and turns of her vivid imagination,

Blood Like Poison: For the Love of a Vampire
Blood Like Poison: Destined for a Vampire
The Reaping

Interview conducted on July 23rd, 2011 @ 4:37pm.

Agent M, if you and I had a code we had to repeat every time we met for a secret mission to protect the world from global domination by an evil tyrant, what would it be? (i.e. the blue hippo sunk his purple boat)

Freddy is the devil, but I shot the sheriff.


Who is Madly?

A power-wielding mermaid princess with a kooky best-friend, a werewolf soon-to-be-ex-betrothed, a sister that’s been kidnapped and a boyfriend that steals her breath and rocks her world.

Can I have Jackson?

No.  Madly would have you skinned alive and then fed to the orcas.

If you were forced to record a duet with either Rebecca Black or Paris Hilton, who would you choose and why? (p.s. Watch Conan O’Brien’s song, Thursday on YouTube)

Paris Hilton, mainly because I’m pretty sure she can spell Wednesday, which is the day we’d definitely be singing about.

What can we expect from book two of the Madly and Wolfhardt series?

Danger and intrigue, love and passion, Atlas and evil—all the great things that make the world go round.

If we were at a local watering hole and decided to play a game of darts and things got a little out of hand when we accidentally impaled the three hundred pound biker in the derriere sitting in the stool in front of us, what would we do or say to get away? Would tears be involved? (FYI, I’m a master at the waterworks)

I would quickly point to Paris Hilton (who we brought along for her intellectual prowess and to practice our recording, which you are now deeply involved with), swear that I saw her do it and then run like Marion Jones before she quit the ‘roids.

If you could choose one song to represent Madly and Wolfhardt, which song would you choose?

How Deep is Your Love by the Bee Gees.  Nah, just kidding.  Just one song?  I’d have to think on that a bit and get back to you.

What is the one thing you have to have while writing?

Absolute silence.  I can much better hear the voices in my head that way:)  Don’t be afraid!

Lightning Round:

Pants or skirts? Pants.  I’d kill myself if I had to shave my legs every day.

Sun or Moon? Moon.  I’m a night owl when I’m not asleep.  What?

Snow or Waves? Waves in the summer, snow in the winter.  I want to have my cake and eat it, too.  And then chase it with some Dr. Pepper.

Sweet or Salty? Both, sometimes together.

A Wedding or An Elopement? If I could do it again, I’d say an elopement.  I’d want to go somewhere exotic and invite just a few friends and family to witness the blessed event.

Mac or PC? PC, but only because I can’t afford a Mac yet.  Drat the need for money!

Steak or Chicken? Or Veggie? Chicken AND veggie.  I’m a pig and I’m proud of my oink!

Cats or Dogs? Dogs.  Cats are arrogant and dogs are excited to see you when you leave the room for five minutes.  My ego needs that kind of stroking.  I’m just sayin’.

If you hadn’t answered that cats or dogs question with ‘dog’, I would have disowned you. Good thing you didn’t, because what is PB without J.

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3 thoughts on “PB’s interview with J…Thank you Costa Rica, enjoy the tacos.

  1. Fisher (code name PB), I can’t thank you enough for these awesome questions and for being such an incredible writer and wonderful friend. The world is a better place with you in it and your love stories make my sighs weak in the knees. What does that mean? I’m not sure, but it’s flippin’ FABULOUS!!

    • Oh my gosh, M. aka J! Thank you! I’m only as good as the people around me. Good thing you’re, like, number one in line! LOL! Plus, you’re freakin’ hilarious. That helps. :)

  2. Marion Jones before she quit the ‘roids…lol.

    You two are hi-larious. Loved the interview.

    So M…..or J, did you come to a decision about a song for Madly?

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